Its that time of year again when I like to reflect on how I spent my time in 2019 and what I achieved. It will be interesting to look back over the years and compare what I did and where my focus was.
Sunset views and I’m still working!
I ended the year in November with a trip to Rhode Island to talk and teach the Narraganset Bay Quilters. I was lucky enough to have some free time so on recommendation I headed to Newport to explore the mansions and the cliff walk. Although a little chilly it was a beautiful day and I was happy to explore this area, that I had never previously known.
The Breakers Mansion seemed to be the place to visit so I took the self-guided tour. It is owned by the Newport Mansions Preservation Society. The house was so fancy and over-the-top but I loved it and as a bonus it was decorated for Christmas. There I saw the biggest Poinsettia’s I’d ever seen.
The classes selected by the guild were a one day Pet Portraits class and my Travel Journal class that I had not taught before. It was a lot of fun to teach as everyone came with their own projects and personal maps to paint.
My final class of the year was a 2 day Pet Portrait class that I taught at a local sewing store here in Auburn, Howells Sew and Vacuum. With a week in between classes it gave the students time to go home and “do their homework!” Many of the collaged projects were completed and the sewing started and I think they all did a great job.
Students and their work in progress at Howells, Auburn CA
Finally let me list what I achieved in 2019
I donated 5 pieces of art work to various organizations including 2 to SAQA, International Quilt Festival, Odyssey of the Mind fundraiser and to Craft Napa last January.
Small postcard donations Craft Napa 2019
I exhibited 11 quilts in various exhibits; Eye Contact, SAQA Nebraska region, SAQA N Cal region, IQF, PIQF, Road to California, Northwest Quilting Expo and the Foothill Quilt Guild.
‘Enchanted Hill’ Hearst Castle, part of SAQA Stitching California traveling exhibit
I made 30 memory and T-shirt quilts for clients and Etsy customers around the USA. Including this one for the Olympic athlete Ibtihaj Muhammad using her collection of t shirts and other clothing from her fencing career.
Olympian’s T shirt Quilt by Jane Haworth
I made 18 art quilts, varying in size and were either class samples, pet portrait custom orders or entries to exhibitions.
Custom Order a dog named Beau
Finally as a quilt teacher I traveled to 19 teaching events in Northern California and taught at 4 out of state guilds or shows in Boerne and Houston, Texas, Yuma, AZ and Warwick, Rhode Island.
Show and Tell 1 month after I visited the Dessert Lily guild in Yuma AZ
This year I opened my shop here on my website and I have various patterns and kits for those who love to do fabric collage as much as me. Now I just want to thank all my students and quilt guilds who have supported me and my teaching this year. I hope I will have more stories to share with you next year and we shall see where 2020 takes me.